Signing in

Enter the email address that you have registered with FM Cloud in the ‘User name’ field.

Enter your password.

Then click ‘Sign in’.

If you are having difficulty, please refer to your normal support contact(s) for help.


Forgotten your password? Or wish to change your password?

Click ‘Forget Password’ near the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions given. You will receive an email with a link in it. You should click the link and follow the instructions that appear, to set a new password.

After setting the new password, you will be able to use it to log into the FM Cloud.


Account Locked?

Your account will be locked if you fail to give the right password in three attempts.

To unlock your account, click ‘Account Locked’ near the bottom of the screen and follow the instructions given. You will receive an email with a link in it. You should click the link and follow the instructions that appear.


Terms and Conditions

Clicking this link will display the Terms & Conditions for use of the FM Cloud. You are asked to accept them when you first log in.

You may occasionally be asked to accept them again in the future. For example, after you have changed your password or when changes are made to the Terms & Conditions.